Nikki Haley Defends Joe Biden’s Illegal Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Tourism Scheme

Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Nikki Haley is not the conservative she makes herself out to be.

Deep down, the real Nikki Haley is a creature of the swamp.

And Nikki Haley and Joe Biden agree on one illegal plan that will have you seeing red.

As Liberal Hack Watch reports:

U.S. federal law prevents taxpayer money from funding abortion.

Yet Joe Biden imposed an illegal mandate that forced taxpayers to fund the travel for military personnel seeking abortions.

Military members don’t receive taxpayer-funded travel for funerals but abortion on demand is of the highest value in the Democrat Party so Joe Biden has no problem breaking the law in defense of his party’s top priority.

Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville put a hold on hundreds of military promotions in protest of Joe Biden’s illegal taxpayer-funded abortion tourism scheme.

However, what was shocking to a lot of voters was the fact that Nikki Haley, Mitch McConnell and other RINOs helped Joe Biden protect this illegal scheme.

In a radio interview with host Hugh Hewitt, Haley complained about Tuberville standing for unborn life.

“There’s got to be other ways to go about doing this,” Haley began.

Haley then smeared Tuberville as being the cause of military recruitment being down 25 percent.

“You know, I mean, in a time where our recruitment is 25 percent down and you know, 80 percent of those recruits typically come from military families, and military parents are telling their kids not to go into the military, it’s because they don’t feel like anybody’s got the military’s back,” Haley added.

That’s a lie.

Military recruitment is down because of Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate, imposing woke transgender and pronoun ideology on the troops, letting critical race theory seep into the officer ranks and generally turning the military into a leftist social experiment.

Haley then actually accused Tuberville’s protest of taxpayer-funded abortion travel of being worse than Joe Biden forcing taxpayers to fund abortion travel.

“It’s totally wrong that the Department of Defense is doing this,” Haley continued, “but have we gotten so low that this is how we have to go about stopping it?”

Haley’s support for illegal methods to fund abortion on demand is a major reason the establishment coalesced around her as the alternative to Donald Trump.

GOP elites and their donors are generally socially liberal and find conservatives who want to fight the culture wars embarrassing.

Republican Party leaders and their financial backers live in New York and D.C. and are thus satellites that orbit around the great blue citadels in America.

In order to remain socially desirable and preserve their career prospects they seek to shape a Republican Party that Democrats and the media can live with when the pendulum swings the other way and the GOP wins power.

Nikki Haley – and her willingness to accommodate abortion on demand – is a candidate straight out of central casting for the GOP establishment.