Chuck Schumer Won’t Say He Has Confidence In The Legal Case Against Trump

Photo by Gregory Hauenstein on

Chuck Schumer is usually never at a loss for words.

This time was different.

And Chuck Schumer took Trump by surprise by refusing to say one word

As Black Eye Politics reports:

Democrats and the corporate media initially reacted with glee when Donald Trump dropped the bombshell that Soros-supported Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg planned to indict Donald Trump.

Many on the left — as well as establishment RINOs on the right — celebrated the fact that the six-year plan to weaponize the justice system against Donald Trump finally paid off.

But as the week dragged on something funny happened.

District Attorney Bragg canceled his grand jury for convening not once but twice.

Democrats realized the flimsy nature of the charges as well as the political risk with bringing an obviously preposterous case as the first criminal charges against a former president in American history.

The creeping doubt on the left showed up in the usually confident Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Schumer is never short of anything to say when reporters stick a camera and microphone in his face.

But when a reporter pressed Schumer on if he had confidence in D.A. Bragg’s case Schumer declined to offer his support.

“Do you have confidence in Alvin Bragg?” the reporter asked Schumer.

“Look, the bottom line is, as I said, it’s premature to comment on what’s happening, and we’ll have to wait and see what he does,” Schumer answered.

Schumer has good reason to doubt the legal durability of the criminal charges Bragg would like to bring.

That’s because Bragg himself is reportedly harboring doubts as he realizes the ridiculous nature of trying to bootstrap up a misdemeanor charge for falsifying business records — for which the statute of limitations already expired — into a felony by claiming Michael Cohen paying Stormy Daniels $130,000 constituted an illegal campaign contribution even though the federal government refused to bring charges on that accusation against Trump.

And what really shook Bragg’s confidence was the testimony of former Cohen legal advisor Robert Costello revealing that Cohen said he made the payment to spare Melania Trump the public humiliation of allegations her husband had an affair with a porn star.

“Michael Cohen did this on his own,” Costello told reporters he testified to the grand jury. “I said, ‘Why would you do that?’ He said: ‘Because I wanted to keep this secret. Even secret from my own wife… I didn’t want Melania [Trump] to know. I didn’t want my wife to know.’”

Bragg canceled the grand jury meeting two days in a row as Bragg scrambled to try and produce a witness to rebut Costello’s testimony out of fear the grand jury would reject indicting Trump.

The New York Post reports:

Wednesday’s turn of events came as a source with ties to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office told The Post that Bragg was concerned following Costello’s testimony. A spokesperson for the DA’s Office denied this. 

“The last thing he wants is for the grand jury to vote against him,” a source with ties to the office said. “He wants a no-doubt-about-it case. He is pressuring the ‘Trump obsessed’ to step up and prove the case.”

Bragg moving first against Trump constituted a huge risk as it was the weakest case of the three witch hunts against Trump.

And if Bragg’s case fails it makes it more difficult for Democrat prosecutors in Atlanta and Washington, D.C. to bring charges as it would be obvious to everyone except the most hard-bitten partisan Democrats that the subsequent charges were politically motivated attacks to hurt Trump’s presidential campaign.