Nikki Haley Attacked Donald Trump for Calling Illegal Aliens ‘Criminals’

Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Nikki Haley is the Democrat Party’s favorite Republican for a reason.

Haley is running to the left against Donald Trump.

And Nikki Haley stepped in it big time with this attack on Donald Trump.

As American Patriot Daily reports:

Joe Biden and his campaign demanded the media begin smearing Donald Trump as an authoritarian and the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.

Biden’s cheering section in the media immediately complied and began pushing the Big Lie that Donald Trump echoed the rhetoric of Hitler when Trump warned about the consequences of Joe Biden’s open borders agenda declaring that illegal aliens “poisoned the blood” of the country.

This was just in one ear and out the other for most Americans as Democrats and the media spent the last eight years whipping up false hysteria about Trump establishing a dictatorship in America.

Donald Trump served as president for four years and what Americans generally remember these days is that inflation was low and gas was cheap.

One of the conservative complaints about Nikki Haley dating back to her tenure as South Carolina governor was that Haley was another Mitt Romney-type who tucked tail and ran at the first sign of media criticism.

Haley would denounce and renounce any conservative on command from the press.

And true to form, Haley joined the left-wing media smear campaign against Donald Trump.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register, Haley tone-policed Trump on command attacking his comments as “not helpful.”

“I think we need to secure the border,” Haley began. “I think we need to do whatever it takes to actually stop this inflow of illegal immigrants because America is acting like it’s Sept. 10, and we better remember what Sept. 12 felt like. And I don’t think you have to have that rhetoric to do it. That rhetoric is not helpful.”

One of the main reasons the D.C. swamp closed ranks around Haley is due to Haley’s support for open borders and lax immigration enforcement.

In the 2016 campaign Haley attacked Trump during her response to Barack Obama’s State of the Union address.

Haley denounced Trump as a hater and a bigot because Trump proposed building a border wall and banning travel from countries with a history of supporting terrorism.

“Today, we live in a time of threats like few others in recent memory,” Haley stated. “During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. We must resist that temptation. No one who is willing to work hard, abide by our laws, and love our traditions should ever feel unwelcome in this country.”

And during her current campaign for president Haley told a crowd in New Hampshire that she supported corporations dictating the levels of immigration into America.

“We need to go to our industries and say, what do you need?… Then you bring people in that can fill those needs,” Haley declared.

Nikki Haley’s base is the media and establishment RINOs.

Mitt Romney and John McCain attempted to put together similar coalitions in past GOP primaries.

But the repeated instances of McCain and Romney constantly punching right and attacking conservatives in the hopes that the media would stop attacking them wore thin quickly.

Nikki Haley’s eagerness to smear Trump as a Nazi just because a couple of left-wing activists in the press demanded she do so showed the GOP base that Haley truly is the heiress to the McCain/Romney wing of the GOP.