Joe Biden Booed and Heckled in His Hometown  

Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Joe Biden may have finally reached the bottom of the barrel.

Americans were wondering what it would take.

And Joe Biden suffered one public humiliation that he will never recover from.

As Black Eye Politics reports:

President Joe Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, in 1942 and lived there for 10 years before his family moved to Delaware.

Biden has referred to Scranton often throughout his life, making it part of his political identity. 

During the 2020 election, he launched two Scranton-themed campaign videos – “Scranton values” and “A kid from Scranton.”

However, enthusiasm for a Biden-reelection among his Scranton constituents is low. 

The far-left Guardian publication reported on Thursday that residents of the Northeastern Pennsylvania town aren’t eager to see Biden serve another four years in the White House. 

“I’ve lost a lot of the passion that I used to have,” Nick Petula, a local history buff and an independent who voted for Biden in 2020, told the Guardian. 

He also highlighted Hunter Biden’s numerous scandals as being one of the reasons for his lack of interest: “All the things about his son, of course, it’s discouraging to hear that.”

Brandon DeManincor, an art therapy major at Marywood University, was unhappy that Democrats hadn’t replaced the octogenarian president with a more capable candidate. “I would prefer someone new for the Democratic Party besides Biden, but that’s probably not going to happen,” he said.

Mike Boratyn, a restaurant worker, told the Guardian that while he voted for Biden in 2020, considering him to be “the lesser of two evils” at the time, he isn’t sure who he’ll be voting for in the next election. 

Democrats everywhere are becoming majorly concerned about Biden’s reelection chances amid ever-sinking poll numbers. Biden’s approval rating hit its newest low of 34 percent in a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

Sources told The Hill that Biden is planning to hold meetings to try and change the public’s perceptions of him.

“The meetings are intended to discuss messaging on his age and his accomplishments. There has been concern among his inner circle that the messaging has not been strong or consistent enough to break through with the public,” the Biden ally said.

Some Democrats remain baffled and don’t understand how, or why, public opinion of Joe Biden has soured.  

“Yes, it’s frustrating. I have heard many theories as to why the message is not connecting. None convince me or make me feel better,” said Ivan Zapien, a former Democratic National Committee official, according to the Hill. 

“The polls will tighten as they always do as we get closer to the election and people start weighing their options. But it’s going to be an ugly landing,” he said.