Nancy Pelosi Left Stammering by Question About Joe Biden’s Age

Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Democrats can’t run from this reality any longer.

But it was an open question about who was going to speak out first.

And Nancy Pelosi broke this devastating news about Joe Biden.

As American Patriot Daily reports:

After two years of living in the land of make-believe and trying to tell Americans they could not believe what their lying eyes were seeing, Democrats and the press are now openly fretting about the fact that Joe Biden is old and senile.

The multiple videos of Joe Biden tripping while walking, calling out to dead people, wandering aimlessly around a stage trying to shake the hand of people who weren’t there and falling into vegetative states during events and interviews convince a supermajority of Americans that Joe Biden trying to serve as president until he turns 86 is a ludicrous proposition that presents a real danger to the American people.

Polls from CNN and the Wall Street Journal show over 70 percent of Americans think Joe Biden is too old and not mentally fit to serve effectively as president.