Nikki Haley Admits She Pretends to Be Conservative

Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Conservatives can’t understand why Nikki Haley is still in the presidential race.

Haley is losing every contest by landslide margins.

And Nikki Haley got caught on camera saying the one thing that will ruin her.

As American Patriot Daily reports:

All during the campaign Haley faced attacks that she was really a Mitt Romney/Liz Cheney-style establishment liberal.

Haley dropped breadcrumbs that this was the case when she told CBS she opposed legislation banning transgender surgeries for minor children and during a debate when she lectured Republicans about the need to accommodate abortion on demand in America.

But in the final weeks before the vote in New Hampshire and Iowa, Haley let the mask slip completely.

Haley’s campaigning to beat expectations in Iowa and come in second in the hopes of springboarding to a win in New Hampshire.

The electorates in Iowa and New Hampshire are wildly different.

Evangelical Christians dominate the Iowa caucuses whereas Democrats and liberals can vote in the New Hampshire primary as long as they register as undeclared.

Polls show Haley within four points of Trump in New Hampshire as liberals gravitate to her campaign.

However, the push and pull of the Iowa electorates led Haley to make one of the all-time gaffes.

In an interview with Iowa PBS, Haley claimed she would adopt a “different personality” based on which state she campaigned in.

Haley admitting she was lying to Iowa voters about being a conservative came on the heels of Haley telling a crowd in New Hampshire that they “correct” the result in Iowa.

No Republican ever won both Iowa and New Hampshire in a contested primary.

In the 2000, 2008 and 2012 contests, liberals voting as undeclared party members powered RINOs like John McCain and Mitt Romney to victory after Iowa voted for what would have been considered the Evangelical Christian candidate in the race – George W. Bush in 2000, Mike Huckabee in 2008 and Rick Santorum in 2012.

In 2016, Donald Trump became the first conservative to win the New Hampshire primary since Pat Buchanan in 1996.

Haley is counting on the historical trend of liberals voting in New Hampshire to upset the apple cart.

And Haley has reason to believe that could be the case.

A St. Anselm College poll found Haley winning 62 percent of Democrats and 37 percent of independents.

There is grassroots muscle behind the Haley surge in New Hampshire with liberal voters.

Robert Schwartz raised nearly $1 million for a group called Primary Power whose stated mission is turning out liberals to vote for Haley.

Schwartz told New York Magazine that Haley was the type of establishment Republican Democrats can deal with.

“She seems to respect the Constitution,” Schwartz stated. “We would have a peaceful transfer of power and free and fair elections with her as president.”

It’s now out in the open that Haley is a liberal campaigning for liberal votes in New Hampshire.

The question remains if that will drive down her support in Iowa where she can no longer claim any momentum out of the contest and actual Republican voters further unite around Donald Trump.