Video Shows Nikki Haley Supporting Mass Migration Into America

Photo by Gage Skidmore on Flickr

Nikki Haley is the GOP establishment’s last chance to deny Donald Trump the nomination.

But Haley’s campaign is spiraling towards an embarrassing ending.

And this is the one video Nikki Haley doesn’t want getting out.

As American Patriot Daily reports:

Democrat megadonors, Wall Street titans, and establishment Republicans bet it all on Nikki Haley understanding that she was the type of Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan RINO who would play ball with the swamp.

But Haley’s problem is that the more she signals to the elites that she’s one of them, the more she alienates rank-and-file conservatives.

Donald Trump won the GOP nomination and the presidency in 2016 by smashing the establishment’s orthodoxies and catechisms on the wonders of mass migration into America.

Trump understood that big business importing millions of illegal aliens and low-skill foreign workers into the United States drove down the wages of native-born Americans.

Nikki Haley is no longer hiding that she plans to drag the Republican Party back to the pre-Trump status quo on immigration.

During a CNN town hall event, Haley claimed big business and woke CEOs should set the immigration levels into America and the government should open the door to as many foreign workers as corporations need.

“Presidents in the past have always said, ‘Set quotas. I’ll take this many this year, I’ll take this many next year.’ Instead, look at what does our economy need,” Haley stated.

Haley even found a way to put her spin on the old establishment canard that illegal aliens do jobs Americans won’t do so farmers need migrants to pick their fruit.

“I came from an agricultural state and a tourism state. Our farmers needed workers. We need to make sure we are focusing on the businesses, that they are not struggling to find workers … when you do it on merit, and that’s how we need to bring people in — based on merit, not just a random quota — then you’re building up your economy, you’re supporting your businesses, you’re making sure that we can all grow together,” Haley added.

This isn’t the first time Haley came out in favor of massively expanding immigration into America to fit the needs of the D.C. swamp.

Last year Haley told a crowd of supporters that she would allow businesses to set unlimited levels of immigration into the country.

Haley is desperate to appeal to the open-borders donor class to fund her campaign so it can compete beyond the early states and into Super Tuesday on the hope Joe Biden’s weaponized justice system takes Donald Trump out of the race.

But by cashing the checks Haley is showing her true colors as a RINO globalist.